Kamis, 07 September 2017

Renita Sukardi Died, Why Breast Cancer Can Be Deadly?

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Renita Sukardi Died, Why Breast Cancer Can Be Deadly?


Jakarta, soap opera Cast Renita Sukardi died of breast cancer. Why breast cancer can be deadly? Then how do I avoid it? Breast Cancer Foundation Indonesia (YKPI), Linda Amalia Sari Gumelar, some time ago said breast cancer is one of the highest causes of death in Indonesia. The data of the Ministry of health the year 2016 mentions the figure of his death reaching 21.5 per 100 thousand.


Breast cancer is often called sillent killer, because in the early stages often do not bergejala. This is what causes breast cancer recently found out after stadiumnya continued. Nearly all breast cancer in early stage have no symptoms at all. Thus while there are lumps in the breasts and the presence of fluid out of the nipples were a symptom of its advanced stage, sometimes called a silent killer of breast cancer, said Dr. Doddy Permadi Aryawan, SpOk, occupational medical specialists of the Graha Medika, some time ago. Read also: breast cancer, The Silent Killer Assassin Females in other IndonesiaPermasalah according to Linda is yet to meratanya information about the importance of early detection of breast cancer through a TECHNICALITY. He also claimed to know that kind of information after her cancer. There is still a stigma that cancer was synonymous with death. This is also a problem so people that dont want to check first, since he's not ready, both cancer ends off. Should be positive so that made people want to seek treatment and checked myself precisely at a time when he felt something in the moment REALIZE that, firmly Linda. why breast cancer can be deadly? According to Dr. Doddy, this is because the vulnerable breast cancer spread to the lymph nodes. When lymph nodes is one of the major organs in the body's defense system and has a lot of connection with the other organs of the body.






Breast cancer illustration photos: Thinkstock






Well, in advanced stages, the cancer cells more turbulent by spreading to other organs. If the cancer cells have entered the lymphatic system, it will be a quicker move to other organs. His model as a cable that connects the organ from top to bottom, and it means that the breast cancer to look out for ya, the message Dr. Doddy. In patients of breast cancer, awarding the handling or therapy should be in accordance with the diagnosis of the stadium, the characteristics and cell kankernya. Dr. Bob Andinata SpB (K) from the Dharmais Cancer HOSPITAL Onk Jakarta some time ago describes the percentage of life expectancy of patients breast stadium one within five years after undergoing proper treatment it is estimated could reach 100 percent. Nearly 100 percent of that is this year's cancer patients that come 10 people, then five years maybe 10 people that are still alive or otherwise stayed the rest of the nine, said Dr. Bob. While at the stadium two patients is expected to have the percentage of life expectancy as much as 80-90 per cent. The stadium is expected to have three percentage 50-60 percent, and the estimated percentage of four-stage patients hope his life 10-20 percent. Breast cancer is indeed a serious disease who need treatment and diligence of the treatment. Although breast cancer is lethal, however, said Linda Gumelar, do not get a diagnosis of breast cancer thus making the patient feel identical to ' will soon be dead '. There is still a stigma that cancer was synonymous with death. This is also a problem so people that dont want to check first, since he's not ready, both cancer ends off. Should be positive so that made people want to seek treatment and checked myself precisely at a time when he felt something in the moment Aware (check your own breasts) it, firmly Linda which is a breast cancer survivor. Read also: 5 Tips Prevent Breast Cancer As Experienced Pesinetron Renita Sukardi (vit/up) harga kopi hijau


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